
Tax Exemption Certificate

Tax Exemption Certificate Forms can be collected from Aizawl DC Office, Establishment Branch by paying Rs.10/-. Carefully read the Forms and fill up the necessary data in readable. Along with the Forms, below mention documents have to be attached:

  • Voter’s ID (Xerox & attested copy)
  • Tribal Certificate (Xerox & attested copy)
  • Original copy of respective Local Council Chairman or Secretary/ Village Council recommendation letter.

Forms have to be fill up carefully and fill with a complete correct data and attached the necessary documents and after checking the Forms have to be submitted at Establishment Branch, Aizawl DC Office. The Forms will be examined and if it is entitled then Tax Exemption Certificate will be issued and can be collected from Establishment Branch.


Deputy Commissioner's Office

Treasury Square, Aizawl Mizoram
Location : DC Office | City : Aizawl | PIN Code : 796001
Phone : 2326257 | Email : dcaizawl-mz[at]nic[dot]in